Sunday, November 24, 2013

Coming Soon...

Hello! My name is Rose.
Some people call me "Mama"... well, really just my daughter calls me that.
Some people call me "Rosie" - mostly my three bonus children. And some of my cousins and aunts and uncles who didn't listen when I was 9 and denounced Rosie but now embrace it again.
Some people call me "Babe"...ok, just my husband calls me that!
And some people call me "Auntie Rose".  My true related niece and nephew, another whole bunch by marriage that I just started claiming, and a few that I hold onto because I love them. You can call me Auntie Rose, too, if you'd like. Or Rosie! Or just call me Rose, as most people do.

Hello! It is very lovely to meet you.

I will share more about myself in posts to come, but I'm just going to skip ahead to the reason why I'm here.
I'm a working mom, most of the time. In June, my contract ended and I've been looking for the next thing the last few months. I also got married just last month. I'm a newlywed! Up until now, this year has been so crazy, but last week things slowed down... and I'm just not used to that. I had to do something!
So I thought about it. If I could do anything, what would do that I'm not already doing?
Little bunches of handmade details. I love details, and I love making stuff. I can make stuff when the kids are in school while I look for a job. But also, I can do this when I have another job and still make stuff when the kids are home in the summer! Why? because I love doing it. It is so much fun!!!
I hope you all find it as fun as I do. Think of me like I'm the fun auntie. I get to sugar you up, take you to all the cool places and introduce you to your next favorite band. That's what the best aunties do, right? Except I'm going to do it with craft supplies and little handmade goodies.
Coming soon: a new Etsy shop called Hello, Auntie Rose.

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